How well do U know U?

Before you judge my spelling… hear me out!
How well do you really know yourself? Some of my clients and friends are super in tune with their bodies. They are aware of when they are ovulating, can feel a cold coming or or know when to stop a workout s they may be prone to getting injured (not out of laziness!). Then there are the other half who sheepishly admit that they are so out of tune, that they get blindsided by a cold or strained muscle.
There are a lot of reasons why we either never become attuned to our body, or have lost touch with ourselves. One being that we lead busy, stressful lives, which makes it hard to even hear yourself think. Oftentimes, when we do get a chance to become still and restful, either sleep or the television overtakes us. Maybe even Facebook. Or the news.
Another problem we face, especially as women, is that we feel guilty when we take out some time for ourselves, or even worse – we spend money on ourselves! *Gasp!* Now I am not saying spend the hugest portion of your budget on yourself, but it is imperative to take good care of yourself, if your cup runs empty, how will you ever fill up your family, friend’s or even work ‘cup’. Your reserves to give are limited, so it’s imperative that you fill your cup first so that you can give out.
Now you are probably wondering what all this has to do with getting to know yourself better.
well, thanks to technology and some innovative businesses out there, we are able to test our DNA from the comfort of our own home, and find out exactly how our own bodies work. Specific to your own DNA.
I find this extremely helpful in my line of work as a Health Coach and Personal Trainer. It saves time and money, and to be honest a lot of unnecessary sweat and tears (not often blood thankfully!).
Many moons ago, when did the course to become a qualified DNA testing practitioner, I did the DNA test to ascertain my fitness profile. My results showed that my muscle fibres prefer quick burst of high intensity exercises and less reps pf heavy weights. That totally explained why, that every time I tried to pushed past doing 10km races, I would suffer from injuries. I just could not reach my goal of doing a 21km comfortably without getting injured. My body could not train as others who were built for endurance. It also saves me time knowing that I can get bang for my buck in an intensive 20 minute workout!

So, recently I did another DNA test – which encompasses a whole lot more.
I did it through KnowU DNA in the Cape. I am still awaiting my results as it does take some patience as the wonderful process is being done. It was quick and easy to swab and deliver my tests.
The box that the test comes in has your very own personal membership card, alongside this compostable sheet of paper, that, when planted the seeds will germinate. I am not sure what will be growing but am excited to see.
The test that I took will tell me a lot more about my body’s needs, functioning. detox ability and so much more!
Get in touch if you would like to find out more!